Protecting IP is Easier with AIPLUX

AIPLUX offers Idea Management, Trademark and
Patent Report Generation through advanced generative AI
Your New Idea!
Trademark Application
Upload your trademark for image search
Determine trademark identity
Assess trademark application risks
Goods and services recommended

Quickly Analyze & Recommend application classes for your Trademark.

Promptly Generate patent disclosure draft for your great Ideas or Technology.

AIPLUX is continuously improving and certified!

BS 10012
ISO 27001
Microsoft Partner
Nvidia Program Partner

How We Can Help

Patent Attorney
TM Consultants
R&D Department
Legal Department

Pain Point

Dealing with complex paperwork, understanding innovative concepts, and the daunting task of drafting.


Enhance your work with AIPLUX. Our platform generates patent search reports, simplifies complex disclosure drafting, and makes patent preparation straightforward. Let AIPLUX free up your time for strategic and client-focused tasks.


Free 20 tokens on registration.
Unlimited blockchain timestamps on ideas.
Get Started
Trademark Search Report1 token
Patent Disclosure & Search Report4 tokens

Not enough tokens?

Invite your friends and receive 5 tokens every time people register from your invitation link!

How can we help?

1. How to create an account?

To create an account, you can click on the "Sign Up" button on the platform's website or use your Gmail account to sign up.

2. What are the platform features?

AIPLUX offers Idea Management, Trademark Analysis, and Patent Report Generation through advanced generative AI, multi-jurisdictional databases, and comprehensive IP knowledge. Our platform is designed to enhance communication between innovators and IP professionals.

3. How would I use AIPLUX?

AIPLUX allows users to record and manage ideas, securing priority with blockchain timestamps. By describing your business or innovation in your own words, you'll receive detailed reports analyzing trademark and patent possibilities in just seconds or minutes.

4. Is it free to use?

AIPLUX is currently free to use, with a limited quota of 20 tokens per month, enabling users to generate 20 trademark reports or 5 patent reports. For additional tokens, please contact

5. Can I buy more quotas for Trademark or Patent reports?

For further assistance, please contact and let us know how we can help.

6. Can I use the reports to file for IP protection directly?

The reports aimed to give the innovators a clearer understanding of where their ideas might stand in the intellectual property world. To take further steps and file for protections, we suggest you to contact or your local IP professionals.

7. Is this ChatGPT?

AIPLUX INPAS goes beyond merely being a fine-tuned prompt. Unlike ChatGPT or other LLMs, which lack access to up-to-date IP databases, AIPLUX INPAS utilizes our proprietary models and is actively exploring integration possibilities with models from OpenAI and other sources.

Have plenty of ideas to search for? Let us know and be updated now!

Get Started!
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